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Make Documentation
Office 365 Provisioning

Why Make

Make is the ultimate deployment and management tool for corporate and enterprise SharePoint environments. It enables a standardized, quick, easy, and controlled approach to deploying SharePoint configurations and performing batch updates on existing sites. Make for SharePoint is suitable for SharePoint 2019, SharePoint Online (Office 365) and hybrid environments.

Make is a provider-hosted Add-in for SharePoint. As such it needs to be registered in your SharePoint tenant and granted the necessary permissions. The installation steps differ slightly depending on whether you are installing Make to work with SharePoint Online or with SharePoint on-premises. Thank you for choosing Make!

Working with Make

Make allows for an easy deployment and update mechanism for working with SharePoint Sites. By using templates that are generated based on an existing SharePoint configuration or manually build, new sites can be created, or existing sites can be updated. The Make templates are suitable for SharePoint 2019 and SharePoint Online (Office 365).

Make Templates describe the exact configuration that Make should provision to SharePoint. This configuration includes values such as URLs and internal names, and entities that will be created in SharePoint. Make offers an easier way of reusing templates for provisioning multiple entities by using parameters. These parameters act as replacements when creating or updating sites with Make.

The Make interface provide you with a clear interface of the most important actions, as well as an overview of the latest statuses. The left navigation provides quick access to the available actions.