Registering the App

  • Start your internet browser and navigate to the AppCatalog site on the SharePoint farm.
  • In the left navigation click the Apps for SharePoint link
  • Click the New document link and upload the file to the list and provide the required metadata. Ensure the Enabled option is selected.

Figure 1: Upload Add-in file

Figure 1: Upload Add-in file

  • On the current site navigate to the _layouts/15/appregnew.aspx page.
  • Enter the AppId as provided by Rapid Circle. If you do not know the AppId, request this information from the person delivering the setup packages.
  • For the App Secret, click the Generate button
    • App secret is not used in this scenario, but since the field is required you will need to enter a value.
  • In the Title field enter Make for SharePoint
  • Set the app domain to the url from the remote IIS website.

Figure 2: Registering the App

Figure 2: Registering the App

  • Click the Create button

Figure 3: Registering the App Success

Figure 3: Registering the App Success

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