Get the latest version

To download the latest version of Make, navigate to the Make Community team site on the Rapid Circle tenant:

In this team you will find the latest installation files:

Figure 1: Get The Latest Version

Figure 1: Get The Latest Version

On the portal you’ll find the packages for both online and on-premises:

  • ‘’ Is for SharePoint Online
  • ‘’ is for SharePoint 2016/2019

Be sure to use the SharePoint Online package!

After downloading all files, extract the files of the Make package into a directory. After the extraction, you will have a directory that contains the files:

  • Set-MakeOnlineConfiguration.ps1
  • Set-MakeOnlineConfiguration.config
  • Install-Make.ps1
  • Upgrade-Make.ps1
  • MakeFunctions.ps1
  • Migrate-MakeConfigurations.ps1
  • ReleaseNotes.txt

There is also a package This package contains more PowerShell scripts for maintaining Make.

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