Make Release 6.2

Make 6.2 is available in the Make Community

In the Make Community Make 6.2 is available for installation on your tenant (see the files section). As always support is standing by if you need any help with the installation. This message will describe the enhancements introduced in Make 6.2. You can always revert to the changelog located on our documentation site.

What’s new?

We have made some adjustments in sharing the documentation regarding Make. In Make 6.2 you can navigate to our new documentation site using this link or via the question mark in the upper right corner of the Make application. We have gathered and updated all our documentation on this site, so that you have a clear understanding of the latest version of the documentation. For example, here you can find the manual for updating to the latest version. If you find that it needs adjustments or is unclear in any way, please let me know in the Make community or reach out through Also new in the Make UI is the version you are currently using in the lower left corner.

Regarding functionality, we have made a number of improvements. In this release we added support to SP2019 on-premises and added support for sensitivity labels. Be aware that sensitivity labels are still under Microsoft Beta support. We will let you know when this changes.

There are two other features that were added. First one is regular expression validation on a number of attributes when adding a make request. F.e. a validation on whether an email adress is actually an email address. Second one is an added verification to prevent provisioning to the SharePoint tenant admin site. Overwriting this site can have problematic consequences and is thus as of this version blocked.


Teams is a much used feature in MS365, we already support the provisioning of Teams in Make. In this version we also be supporting the creation of private channels. You will also be given the option to add members and owners to the TeamsChannel entity during the provisioning. Be aware, at the moment this is still part of the Graph Beta support coming from Microsoft.

To round if off, Teams is giving us a lot more opportunities to add value to Make. Momentarily we are creating a Teams extension in Make to provide end user support. We have created a first version of this extension and are testing it. It is not added to the current Make release yet, but will be in the next.

Additional notes:

Added the option OverwriteIfExists to specify if a template should overwrite an existing site/group/team
Added better error handling for on-prem worker
Updated versions of PnP and CSOM

If you have any questions regarding this release, feel free to contact us.

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