Make Release 6.4

Make 6.4 is available in the Make Community

In the Make Community Make 6.4 is available for installation on your tenant (see the files section). As always support is standing by if you need any help with the installation. This message will describe the enhancements introduced in Make 6.4. You can always revert to the changelog located on our documentation site.

What’s new?
  • Implemented PnP.Framework 1.10
  • Implemented Teams Shared Channels
  • Fixed issue with field Description during initial Make setup
  • Updated UI to Rapid Circle
  • Updated installation script to use MS Graph module
  • Updated documentation

We have implemented the new PnP.Framework library as Microsoft 365 is continuing evolving with new and updated features in SharePoint Online and Teams. During testing we noticed a change on the SharePoint environment, that caused an error during initial run and setup for Make. We fixed that.

And, the Make website has got an initial update regarding UI design. Hello, Rapid Circle!


Regarding to Teams we now also support Shared Channels. With Shared Channels you can invite external accounts that have access to this channel in your team.

Additional notes:

A first update to the documentation and installation scripts has taken place. We are implementing the Rapid Circle design and text. We are still updating all this, so keep an eye on the documentation site.

If you have any questions regarding this release, feel free to contact us.

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