Script updates

Upgrade-History Script (SharePoint online)

The “Upgrade-History” script makes sure the “old Make 5.0” History is converted and updated with up-to-date values for all sites. The history is updated automatically by Make 5.5+ with the use of a webhook. This script is only needed if Make 5.0 was installed before and the old history was used. If that is not the case the Update-History script can be used. For SharePoint Online the steps are described in the installation manual.


  • PowerShell version 5 or newer
  • Azure PowerShell ( Install-Module AzureRM )
  • Azure Active Directory PowerShell Version 2 ( Install-Module AzureAD )
  • SharePoint Online Management Shell ( )
  • Azure Table storage Module ( Install-Module AzureRmStorageTable )
  • PnP PowerShell Gallery ( Install-Module SharePointPnPPowerShellOnline )

How to run:
Inside the directory run the script using with the following syntax:

C:\PS> Upgrade-History -TenantName <tenantname> -ResourceGroupName <ResourceGroupName> -AccountName <AccountName>

The following parameters are possible:

  • TenantName
    The name of your tenant. E.g. Mavention or Contoso

  • MFA
    (Switch) Indicates that MFA is enabled for the user account for this installation

  • ResourceGroupName
    The Name of the Resource Group

  • AccountName
    The account name used for storage

Update-History Script (SharePoint online)

The “Update-History” script makes sure the History table is updated with up-to-date values for all sites on your tenant (be aware when you have many!). The script only needs to be run once after installing Make 5.5. Afterwards the history is updated automatically with the use of a webhook. The script can be used to manually keep the history in sync with SharePoint and can be used as a precaution for the purpose of “fixing” the table once it is not up to date for some reason. It is possible to include or exclude sites that no longer exist in the SharePoint tenant. For SharePoint Online the steps are described in the installation manual.


  • PowerShell version 5 or newer
  • Azure PowerShell ( Install-Module AzureRM )
  • Azure Active Directory PowerShell Version 2 ( Install-Module AzureAD )
  • SharePoint Online Management Shell ( )
  • Azure Table storage Module ( Install-Module AzureRmStorageTable )
  • PnP PowerShell Gallery ( Install-Module SharePointPnPPowerShellOnline )

How to run:
Insite the directory run the script using with the following syntax:

C:\PS> Update-History -TenantName -DeleteNonExistingSites -ResourceGroupName -AccountName

The following parameters are possible:

  • TenantName
    The name of your tenant. E.g. Mavention or Contoso

  • MFA
    (Switch) Indicates that MFA is enabled for the user account for this installation

  • DeleteNonExistingSites
    (Switch) Determines if Non-existing sites will be deleted from History

  • ResourceGroupName
    The Name of the Resource Group

  • AccountName
    The account name used for storage