SharePoint Lists and libraries

When starting Make for the first time, Make will verify if the required lists and library are present. If not, these will be created automatically. The following lists are required by Make:

  • Make Configurations
  • Make Item Queue
  • Make Batch Queue

Make Configurations

This is a document library containing the configurations. As a best practice, each configuration is stored in its own folder. The folder contains all the XML (individual template) and Assets files.

Figure 1: Make Configurations

Figure 1: Make Configurations

The library is created at the location ~site\Make Configurations and has the title Make Configurations.
The following meta data is required for this library:

Display Name Internal Name Field Type Remark
Title Title Single line of text Configuration title
Configuration Version ConfigurationVersion Single line of text E.g. 1.0
Description ConfigurationDescription Multiple lines of text Configuration description
Start Object Type StartObjectType Single line of text Valid values:Tenant or Web
Parameters ConfigurationParameters Multiple lines of text JSON formatted controlled by the Make application
Disabled Disabled Yes/No

Each configuration should contain at least one of the following files:

  • Configuration.xml
  • Playlist.xml
  • Update.xml
    Each of these files should have proper metadata values to have the configuration visible in the Make application.

Make Item Queue

This is a list containing all requests and their status.
The following meta data is required for this list:

Display Name Internal Name Field Type Remark
Title Title Single line of text Request title
Description ConfigurationDescription Multiple lines of text
Status ConfigurationStatus Single line of text Valid values: Queued, Processing, Finished, Error
Request ID ConfigurationRequestId Single line of text GUID value
Request Message ConfigurationRequestMessage Multiple lines of text JSON formatted controlled by Make application

Request Message contains the following information in JSON format:

Property Description
Id Request Id
RequestType Valid values: 0 : Configuration (default), 1 : Export, 3 : Update, 4: Graph, 5: Validate, 6: Graph Validate
ConfigurationFileUrl The configuration XML file to be executed
ConfigurationItemUrl Start URL for the site to be created. If a site collection is to be created, then this value is the SharePoint Admin site URL
Scope Tenant, Site or Web
OverwriteIfExists Whether or not the site should be overwritten if it already exists
Parameters The custom parameter values as provided by the request for the site to be created

Make Batch Queue

This is a list containing all batch requests and their status.
The following meta data is required for this list:

Display Name Internal Name Field Type Remark
Title Title Single line of text Request title
Description ConfigurationDescription Multiple lines of text
Status ConfigurationStatus Single line of text Valid values: Queued, Processing, Finished, Error
Request ID ConfigurationRequestId Single line of text GUID value
Request Message ConfigurationRequestMessage Multiple lines of text JSON formatted controlled by Make application

Request Message contains the following information in JSON format:

Property Description
Id Request Id
RequestType Valid values: 2: Batch Update
ConfigurationFileUrl The configuration XML file to be executed
ConfigurationItemUrl Start URL for the site to be created. If a site collection is to be created, then this value is the SharePoint Admin site URL
Scope Always value: null
OverwriteIfExists False
Parameters No parameters
TemplateType The name of the Make template as stored in the Web Property Bag to find all sites created with this template. For each found site an update request will be created.